How to Hire Licensed and Insured Movers in Jersey City?

Relocating to another place can be overwhelming and this is why most people depend on licensed and insured movers rather than managing the entire move themselves. With a large number of relocations, there are chances of scams occurring. Therefore, to eliminate the chance of scams it is always better to hire licensed and insured movers in Jersey City. This article talks about the best way one can hire licensed and insured relocators.
● Cross-check for license number:
It is the licensed and insured relocators that are experts in handling every aspect of the move. If the movers are not licensed, then avoid working with them. Now the question here is how to know if the movers are licensed to work in the moving industry? One of the easiest ways to know about the licensing details of the movers is to check for the USDOT number (a license number issued by the US Department of Transportation).
● No large deposits:
Licensed and insured movers are known for their reputation and thus, will never ask for cash or large deposits before delivering the moving services. In case the shortlisted movers are demanding large deposits in advance then consider them off to the mark and thus, should be avoided.
● Avoid relocation companies with a name switch:
Some movers conduct the business under different names to avoid being assessed by the Better Business Bureau (BB). To make sure that one has booked the licensed and insured relocators it is recommended to cross-check the physical address of the moving company they are working for. Contact the company’s manager and see if the phone or mail is answered using the full name of their company.
● Check reviews:
Word of mouth is considered the most reliable way to know about someone or something. It’s no different when it comes to the movers in Jersey City. What can be the more accurate way than reviews to know if the relocators are licensed and insured. While researching for the shortlisted movers, make sure to look over their websites, social media pages, and Google reviews. Reading reviews about the moving companies will help look out for the red flags.
● Understand the moving insurance:
Almost all movers make sure to assume liability for the value of the belongings being relocated by them. It is recommended to understand the different levels of liabilities to better know about the insurance cover as provided by the movers. Being aware of the charges that apply and the amount of protection provided by different insurance covers will help one to hire the best-insured relocators.
Needless to say that hiring licensed and insured movers in Jersey City from so many options can be an intimidating process. To make things easier for you, this article has compiled a list of things one should consider when researching licensed and insured relocators. Knowing how to obtain the necessary information will help one choose the right movers and thus, will give peace of mind that there is no risk of fraud.