Why House Additions Are Different Around The World
House additions are a big deal since they can make or break whether your property feels right for you: but is this the case all around the world? If you’re curious about how American homes stack up against the rest of the world: here’s everything you need to know!
Is the House Built to Last?
In some countries, like Japan, most homes in rural areas lose value after they’re sold. This is mostly due to the materials and the need to create a home that suits their individual needs. If they build an addition to their property, they don’t have to worry about the future aesthetics of the home since it likely won’t be lived in by another family. Instead, they can focus solely on what the addition can do for them and their needs.
What’s the Addition For?
Additions can be for different things; in America, it’s generally to extend or add a bedroom. This addition can add around 10 to 20% of the home’s value back into it, which can be a great change, especially in how firey the market is right now. Instead of having to worry about how they can add value, an addition will add a bedroom and expand what types of families might consider this home.
An addition for a garage is also powerful, adding a lot of value and interest to the property. Attached garages are especially important in areas where it snows or rains a lot since the homeowners won’t have to walk through the weather to get inside.
Does it Increase the Value?
House additions should generally only be attempted if they’re going to add value to the property. In larger cities in England, additions are a newer fact of life that aren’t judged in the same way they are in America. Space is tight, and in older buildings, there’s extremely limited space for anyone who wants to grow and build a family for themselves. If you have the land that allows addition, you rightfully should do so!
Does it Change the Aesthetic Value?
The aesthetic value of any property can carry a lot of weight. Regardless of where it is, it’s important to look at whether the extension will change how the home looks. In America, the term ‘McMansion’ is thrown around to describe properties that have dozens of peaks and gables without any clear need. Will your addition add an attractive touch to the exterior of the home, or will it leave the property looking oddly out of place?
Is it Generally Necessary?
Do you need this extension? Although an extension can add some value: if you already have five bedrooms in a home, you don’t need another. Balance what changes you want to make against the current value of the home.
Everyone’s Needs Are Different!
Every property has different needs and different aesthetics that make it stand out. If you want your property to shine, take the time to consider what addition can do and if this change is worth it.