
Workplace Wellbeing Audits & Assessments


It is vital to understand your employees, how they are feeling, how they can improve and how you can help make them into better people all around. Workplace wellbeing is a great way to achieve this but before you jump right in, you must assess your staff so you can understand where they can make improvements. A workplace wellbeing assessment will give you an idea of how to build your workplace wellbeing strategy and create longevity, positivity and healthier workers. By knowing how to improve your workplace wellbeing you can then set realistic goals for you and your staff to meet. Then as time goes by and you have stuck to your guns – so to speak, you’ll then be able to analyse the data, re-assess and make adjustments accordingly to optimise your wellbeing strategy.

Strategic Approach

The wellbeing assessment will deliver a highly precise place to begin from, which your corporate business can then take the view to build a tailored strategic approach to implement for your staff. Developing the perfect plan for your employees is essential to get the best out of them and your wellbeing programme.

Set Goals

A very important aspect of the wellbeing assessment. Without goals how will you know if this wellbeing process is working for you? We’ll create a synergistic wellbeing review where we can analyse the feedback and progress of your staff on regular intervals.

SWOT Analysis

From the primary assessment, we’ll be able to identify where your strengths are from the outset and where we’ll be able to improve on weaknesses in your operations moving forward. Any risks will be identified and actionable tasks will be implemented.

Segmented Data

Your business will get updated overviews of segmented data, which will allow you to make changes and optimise your campaign accordingly. By reviewing data by segments such as regions, departments, sex, age, etc. you’ll see just how effective your wellbeing strategy is performing.


Our approach to your corporate wellbeing strategy promises to meet HSE management standards. The assessment follows strict procedures to ensure that your business is going through the best possible wellbeing process.


The wellbeing assessment will provide valuable insights into your employee’s performances and ultimately set the path for you to create a plan suitable for them. Each employee will have different needs and will need their wellbeing plan as well as the overall team. You’ll be able to understand if your workers aren’t performing, why they have stopped being so productive and how then to combat this and make actionable plans to improve your workforce.

To conclude, a wellbeing assessment is crucial to develop the right strategy, goals and to help improve your workers. Get professional help, don’t just rely on internal staff as this can lead to bias and potentially flaw the entire plan. Wellbeing is important and doing it correctly and getting results requires time, dedication and know-how. are experts in this field and are more than willing to speak to businesses wanting wellbeing services.

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